Why You Need a Cannabis Waste Management Plan

why you need a cannabis waste management plan

When managing a cannabis facility, developing a comprehensive waste management plan often falls to the bottom of the list. However, overlooking this crucial step can lead to significant challenges down the road. To ensure smooth and compliant operations, having both a cannabis and hazardous waste management plan is essential.

The Importance of Waste Management Plans

In order for Missouri cannabis facilities to remain compliant, they must understand and adhere to regulations set forth by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Missouri Department of Cannabis Regulation (DCR), and the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (DNR).

Identifying the various waste streams generated by a cannabis facility is an essential part of waste management. Household waste, hazardous waste, and cannabis waste each require specific handling procedures, and in most cases, they cannot be mixed. Failure to identify waste streams and create a clear waste management plan for each can negatively impact a facility’s sustainability, daily operations, and compliance.

Checklist for Creating a Waste Management Plan

The following checklist includes many of the most important questions that should be considered when creating a compliant and sustainable waste management plan.

Non-compostable Cannabis Waste

Will your facility produce non-compostable cannabis waste? Remediating bulk mixed waste that includes compostable and non-compostable cannabis waste is more complex and requires a robust understanding of cannabis waste regulations.

Compostable Cannabis Waste

Will your facility produce compostable cannabis waste? If so, this waste should be composted after being compliantly rendered unusable on-site by shredding. It should be ground and mixed with other non-hazardous ground materials, resulting in a mixture of at least 50% non-marijuana waste by volume.

Combustible Solvents and Hazardous Waste

Will your facility's cannabis waste come into contact or be treated with combustible solvents at any point?

If you answered yes, does your facility have an EPA Identification (EPA ID) number, also known as a generator ID? Your facility may need a hazardous waste generator depending on the volume of hazardous waste produced.

And, does your facility have an off-gassing procedure that is compliant with regulations set forth by the EPA and Missouri DNR? You’ll need to ensure plant waste treated with hazardous waste, such as the solvents butane and propane, is off-gassed for 24 hours before being rendered unusable. A detailed step-by-step off-gassing procedure should be set up prior to commencement.

Waste Pickup Frequency and Volume

How frequently will your facility need waste pickups, and what volume of waste will be handled? Determining these factors can be challenging and may require a consultation with a cannabis waste service that has this expertise.

Secure Waste Storage Area

Does your facility have a secure storage area for cannabis waste? A facility cannot legally throw cannabis waste into a standard or conventional trash receptacle. All facility waste must be stored securely before final disposition. Secure storage can be done within the facility in areas designated for disposal activities or, if necessary, outside the facility in locked, tamper-resistant receptacles.

State-Issued Agent IDs

Have all employees handling cannabis waste obtained their state-issued agent identification cards? These agent IDs, issued by the Department of Health & Senior Services (DHSS), are mandatory, as they demonstrate employees are qualified and authorized to work in a cannabis facility.

Document Management Plan

Does your facility have a document management plan for tracking waste disposal? Keeping detailed records is essential to proving compliance and maintaining proper oversight of waste management activities.

Partner With Monarch Waste Co.

When you partner with Monarch Waste Co., a reputable cannabis waste service provider, you’re guaranteed compliance with Missouri waste management regulations and ensured that waste is managed in an environmentally responsible manner.

Our step-by-step process handles cannabis waste responsibilities, allowing facilities with cultivation, manufacturing, testing, and dispensary licensing to focus on other vital business operations. Contact us today for a tailored waste management solution that meets your needs!


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